Online Contests

Throughout the year, we host a variety of online contests where we give away A LOT of wedding "stuff".  

  • The "Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too" Contest is hosted annually in August. Brides submit their engagement stories and get entered to win a FREE wedding cake and other fun goodies!
  • The "Before You Take the Plunge" Contest is hosted in September! Brides answer a "Question of the Week" and get entered to win a complete Date Night valued at $1,000+.  
  • The annual "Bling Fling" Contest lets brides vote on their favorite photo submitted from our photographers! Four winners are chosen and they each win a gift certificate of $250 toward their wedding bands.
  • The "Count Your Carats" Contest is hosted annually in April. The Berkshire Wedding Expos visit participating sponsor jewelers and get their Carat Cards punched! Also, a "Question of the Week" is offered o gain additional entries. (3) The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples win a $250 jewelry shopping spree. 
  • "A Day at the Spa with Ma" Contest has The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples voting on their favorite "Photo of the Week" to get entered to win a day at the spa. (2) The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples and their Moms win! Value is $135+
  • The "March Makeover Madness" Contest has The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples answering a "Question of the Week" to be entered to win a Glamour Makeover photo shoot including wardrobe changes, makeup & hair, limo transportation to the shoot site and MORE! Prize value is OVER $1,000

We are constantly developing new contests and giveaways for our Berkshire Wedding Expo couples to save money while planning their weddings! Plus... It's FUN! WOO HOO!!!

Wedding Tip #24
Call all your hired vendors 1 week prior to confirm the plans for your wedding festivities.
Member Testimonials
Hi Diane, My fiancé and I won the gift certificate last Fall to RJ Stohr jewelry in one of your ...
Thanks so much for all the wonderful tips and info at the bridal expo. It helped my groom and I SOOO...
Hi Diane, I just wanted to say that Kadie and I had a wonderful time this weekend!! It was al...